
Eggs and Roasted Aspargus, yum!

Inspired by Connie and her perfect farm fresh eggs.  My new summer favorite.

1 bunch of asparagus, ends removed
2 tbsp olive oil
½ cup balsamic vinegar
1 tsp brown sugar
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
4 eggs
2oz shaved or grated parmesan

Preheat oven to 400 degrees

On a baking sheet salt and roast asparagus in oil for 15-18 minutes (depending on thickness).
In a small saucepan reduce balsamic vinegar and brown sugar on medium-high.  Reduce to syrup, about 6 minutes.

Poach eggs in saucepan or large skillet with cider vinegar.  Simmer in boiling water until egg whites set and yoke is cooked as desired.

Divide asparagus on 4 plates, top with eggs, syrup and cheese.

Enjoy morning, noon or night! Read More

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Why is it when you treat my headaches, my knees feel better?

I was asked this question just the other day, and I get asked variations of it all the time. This is what I love about this medicine. The strength of Chinese medicine is in its ability to look at the patient as a whole person, as a sum of all parts. We are used to medicine and treatments that focus on one ailment, i.e headaches, or knee pain, or digestive disorders. This falls into the reductionist thinking of modern medicine, which is very different than the way Chinese medicine looks at the body. In Chinese medicine, all things are connected and interrelated. Diagnosis and treatments can only be effectively done when we understand the context of the main complaint. And while treating the main complaint, all the little things that accompany it are also being treated. I will share an example with you, lets look at anxiety. A woman in her late forties complains of an acute onset of fairly severe anxiety, she has heart palpitations, cannot sleep, works a full time stressful job, takes care of her elderly parents and recently has lost her appetite. Another patient, a young man in his early twenties also complains of anxiety. His Read More

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