Balance, how elusive this can seem at times! As I prepare for the upcoming year, I cannot ignore reflecting on the one just passed. Wow. What a year Selby Acupuncture has had! If you haven’t been in to the clinic lately, let me tell you, it has done some changing. We have grown in many ways, new space, new people and more hours.
Many of you have asked me what it felt like to go through our expansion. If you asked me before and during the change, I would have said, necessary, exciting, exhausting, and terribly scary. Right now though, it feels right.
Change is scary, exciting, necessary, and just right. As we enter into a new year, it is a time to focus on the potential that is ever present in our lives. Everything is fresh, the year is new, anything can happen. These dark, cold days are a perfect time to allow the quiet space needed to bring something new into your life. Many of you have heard me talk about yin and yang, the balance between the still and the active, the darkness and the light. Everything we do in the clinic is based on these principles. And when they are in right relationship, you feel balanced. When they are not, you can feel that too. I challenge you, as I challenge myself, to focus this year on achieving balance. If you are too active, slow down. If you are too still, get going. Don’t get stuck, don’t stop striving for wellness in all aspects of your life, and don’t stop growing.
As always, I want to thank you for allowing us to be a part of your lives. We are so grateful to have your trust, and promise we will always do our best to serve you.
Happy New Year!