Healthy Living

Ten Ways to Inspire Awe and Wonder This Spring

Have you ever wondered what wonder can do for you? Imagine for a moment you are standing at the edge of the ocean or a vast canyon. Or perhaps you are looking up at a skyscraper, or the moon and constellations in the night sky. That feeling of being small comes from a sense of awe and wonder and has big positive health benefits for our physical and emotional wellness.

A recent Medscape article defined awe as a positive emotion felt in the presence of something bigger than oneself that cannot be immediately understood. Awe leads us to change our perception, our frame of reference. It helps us see ourselves as part of something bigger. It helps us feel humbled and want to engage with and connect with others.

The beauty of awe and wonder is how easy it is. All you need is a slight shift in perspective. And what better time than spring to see the world anew? Wonder comes naturally to kids; their worlds haven’t been adultified. Have you ever seen a baby pet a dog or cat? But even if you’ve got adulting coming out of your ears, you can reap the benefits of wonder and Read More

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Benefits of Pets

We have all had our ups and downs throughout this past year. And, for many of us, our pets have been by our side throughout. Pet adoptions have been through the roof this past year as more and more of us seek to fill in the social gaps left to us through the isolation of the pandemic. Adoption of pets has been so high that some shelters are running out! In many places rates of adoption have increased by up to 50%. Let’s take a look at why loving a pet is another aspect of healthy living. Read More

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6 Ways to Become “Unstuck”

Between the seemingly never-ending effects of COVID, the depths of winter, and the common stressors of modern life, it is not surprising we might find ourselves a little “stuck” these days. “Stuck” is often an uncomfortable and irritating place to be, but at its essence it is bound energy and potential (for transition, growth, creation).

Here are some ideas for releasing and redirecting that energy: Read More

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