How Do You Decide?
As you live your life inevitably health issues arise, maybe you are dealing with chronic pain, infertility, or side effects of chemotherapy.
If you are reading this blog you have possibly tried acupuncture.
Right now I have a child with an earache, this has happened before, my kids are now 8 and 12. I have read that 80% of earaches are viral not bacterial so I hesitate to visit our MD thinking the tools in her toolbox are antibiotics and time. Our families high deductible plan also comes into the equation as well, this visit would be out-of-pocket.
Please have no doubt if I thought antibiotics were needed I would do it! But odds are this is a viral ear infection so I begin talking to other health care providers.
I often will give alternatives (i.e. acupuncture, homeopathy) a good try to see if they can make a difference. I find that I can work through many health issues whether my own or my children’s with complementary medicine.
The thing that helps me to feel confident as I navigate various health issues is having health care practitioners that I trust and can be honest with. I can make an appointment Read More
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