Healthy Living

The Earth Element

Earth Element:  Stable, Steady and always ready to offer you some tea.

Welcome to my blog, come on in, help yourself to some tea or grab something from the kitchen if you’re hungry. Can I show you this great book that I just read?   And no, we don’t need to go anywhere, let’s just stay home.

Earth loves thinking, nourishing, helping and serving.  It craves sweet flavors, likes rest, and tends to enjoy stillness. 

If you find yourself in the health profession, or serving profession, or are drawn towards thinking and helping others, there is a good chance you have a little bit of the Earth element in your constitution. Read More

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The Fire Element!

“I found a new favorite hobby, career, or art project that I am in love with!  Wait.  What is this?  Did you see that?  I have an idea that I feel deeply about.  What is that shiny thing over there? I am passionate.  I am Fire.

Sometimes I get a million ideas, I feel excited, top of the world, and want to talk to anyone who will listen about what life changing things I have planned.  And other times, like right now as I am writing this, I feel unfocused, distracted, a bit anxious (What if you all hate this), and I can’t seem to pull an idea together. Read More

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What are the 5 Elements, and Why Should I Care? An Introduction to one of our favorite theories

What are the 5 elements, and why should I care?

  • I like to think, why can’t I stop thinking! Do you need anything? Here, let me give it to you.  We don’t need to go anywhere, let’s just sit here and read…Introducing Earth


  • What is the best way to do this? How can I make sure I do it right? Why aren’t they doing it right? Tell me the rules or let me make the rules…Hello Metal


  • Who cares anyway? Nothing matters and life is a mystery. Let’s just sit back and see what happens. Welcome Water


  • Give me a goal and get out of my stinking way. Done is better than perfect. If you stop me I am going to get pissed off….Watch out for Wood.


  • I found a new favorite hobby, career, or art project that I am in love with!   What is this?  Did you see that?  I have an idea that I feel deeply about.  What is that shiny thing over there? I am passionate.  I am Fire.


This is not the way I was taught these elements.  In Chinese medicine school we learned about 5 element theory Read More

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Why do I keep waking up at the same time every night?

Is this you? Do you predictably open your eyes in the middle of the night only to look at the clock and see the exact same time (or pretty darn close) you did the night before? And the night before? And before?

It’s not an uncanny coincidence. In Chinese medicine, there is actually a reason for this, which has to do with a fascinating concept called the Horary Clock. Chances are you’ve heard one of us explain to you what meridians are and how energy travels through them to every point in our bodies. If we understand this movement of energy as a circuit which repeats itself, then the Horary Clock explains the times of day that Qi, or energy, is most active in one meridian or another.

What’s more is that this helps us to understand where there might be problems within our bodies and how to time specific activities for when they will be the most helpful for us. Have a look below to better understand what times of day Qi is most active in each of the meridians: Read More

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