Learning Chinese Medicine in Ireland.
I love to study Chinese medicine. I love Ireland. Combine the two = dreams come true!
Years ago I learned one of my favorite teachers regularly teaches in Ireland. At the time attending seemed impossible. I had a lot of great reasons proving to myself that it was never going to happen (too much time away, too expensive, kids in college, and a favorite told to me once from another teacher ‘you have plenty to learn here in America’).
Life isn’t always easy, and through the last few years I feel like I was given the gift of realizing not to take any time for granted. So last fall, in a moment of following my heart, I signed up for the class in spring of 2023. I decided to change my story and figure out a way to get to Ireland. Appropriately, we were going to be studying about how the stories we tell can affect our lives, for illness or for healing (or for traveling to Ireland after years of longing…but I digress). I am happy to say, I figured out how to get there, and it was everything I had hoped for.
During the trip I jotted down Read More
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