Holistic Care

Acupuncture Points to Relieve Anxiety and Calm Your Spirit

Anxiety is extremely common. In the U.S. nearly 1 in 5 adults has an anxiety disorder, and 30% of American adults and children experience anxiety at some point in their lives. Unsurprisingly, these numbers have risen in recent years.

Anxiety can be a normal response in stressful situations, such as public speaking or taking a test. It’s common to occasionally feel:

  • a little fearful or apprehensive
  • physically tense
  • mildly sweaty
  • unsure of oneself

This kind of anxiety is hard-wired into our systems like an alarm, originally meant to help us survive a predator attack in prehistoric times. Today, this response helps us sharpen our focus and drive in giving that speech or taking that big exam. It is situational and temporary.

When these feelings intensify, persist and affect daily life, this is clinical anxiety. Symptoms may include: Read More

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Endometriosis, What You Need to Know

What is Endometriosis? 

Endometriosis is a condition where cells typically found inside the uterus attach themselves to the other parts of the body, such as the outside of the uterus, the ovaries, the colon and sometimes the myofascial tissue surrounding the uterus. This causes issues like period pain or trouble concieving.  These cells create menstrual fluid during the time of the cycle, yet there is nowhere for this fluid to go. This can lead to widespread inflammation and pelvic pain. 

What do common symptoms look like?  Read More

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Four Tips for Preserving Intimacy During Infertility Treatments 

Four Tips for Preserving Intimacy During Infertility Treatments  

Listen: you’re not reading this post because it’s a surprise that going through infertility kills your libido. You’re reading this because it’s come to the point where sex feels like a chore, and yet you want to light up that spark between yourself and your partner because it’s the love you both share that made you want to have a baby together in the first place. So, what do you do? How can you stay sexually connected to your partner when everything has become a sea of lab tests and ovulation kits rather than Barry White and satin sheets?

As we roll into Valentine’s Day, here’s four tips for keeping things spicy while you’re also navigating infertility. Not going through infertility? Lucky you. These four tips can still strengthen your emotional and sexual connection to your partner. Read More

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I tried Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture

Facial Acupuncture Treatment

Alright, confession time, I had never done facial acupuncture prior to this fall.  I had always wanted to, but between a busy schedule and a feeling that I should just accept my aging as natural and beautiful, I had always put it off and decided that facial rejuvenation acupuncture wasn’t for me. Working with both Katie and Kathy who practice facial rejuvenation acupuncture, and seeing what they were doing for their clients, inspired me to give it a go.

Spoiler alert, there were improvements. Zoom in for yourself and check it out (before is on the top and the after on the bottom).

So first off, I am being real vulnerable here and letting you all see my face without any makeup and without touch ups.  I haven’t looked at my face this closely ever, and it was a bit challenging to see the way it has changed as I have gotten older. Fair skin combined with the love of being in the sun I inherited from my father, the idea that ‘getting a good solid burn to build your tan base’  I embraced as a teen, and the cigarettes that I thought made me look cool in the early Read More

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