We are excited for all the new arrivals expected this summer! St. Paul is baby central and we thought this would be a good opportunity to talk a bit about postpartum care.
We see many women through their prenatal journey as acupuncture can be a very helpful therapy for expecting mothers. Most of these women will continue acupuncture as a new mother because the transition from mom-to-be, to mom can be difficult. You, the new mother, are the single most important part of your baby’s world, the very center of their universe. Yet in most families, all the attention and care shifts immediately to the infant, and most mothers allow their health to take a backseat.
Chinese medicine practitioners believe that pregnancy and childbirth can deplete vital qi (energy) and blood. Pregnancy can also weaken the kidney and spleen systems which makes the body more vulnerable to chronic illnesses and fatigue. For this reason we put great emphasis on postpartum care, particularly in the first month. We often suggest new mothers maintain a healthy diet that consists of warm protein-rich foods while avoiding raw, cold or uncooked foods. We also advise new mothers to pay attention to their bodies’ need for rest and recuperation. Too often new moms will try to maintain the hustle and bustle of their pre-baby life and end up wearing themselves out to the point of exhaustion.
Acupuncture is a very helpful therapy for postpartum care. Aside from its benefits in supporting the vital qi and nourishing blood, it can be effective in treating many common postpartum conditions including:
Breast Feeding Problems
Insufficient Lactation
Blocked Ducts
Postpartum Pains
Body Pain
Abdominal / Pelvic Soreness
Baby Blues
Postpartum Depression
Urinary Incontinence & Retention
Bowel Irregularities
Fatigue & Exhaustion
Congratulations to all the new moms and new babies this season has brought. We love getting all the baby announcements and the new baby visits. It’s one of the best perks of this job!