Wellness Blog

Why are you looking at my tongue?

You may have had this experience; you came in for your first appointment at the Acupuncture clinic.  You and your provider have talked in depth about what brought you in, and about a whole lot of other things that seem kind of unrelated.  Then they ask you, ‘Can you show me your tongue?’

What?  Really?

Why do acupuncturists look at tongues? The simple answer is that the appearance of the tongue tells us a lot about your health! The more involved answer is that as practitioners of Chinese medicine, we believe that if one part of the body becomes diseased, other parts of the body will show signs of disease as well. Essentially, the tongue is a mirror for what is going on inside the body – past and present. Read More

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The Fire Element!

“I found a new favorite hobby, career, or art project that I am in love with!  Wait.  What is this?  Did you see that?  I have an idea that I feel deeply about.  What is that shiny thing over there? I am passionate.  I am Fire.

Sometimes I get a million ideas, I feel excited, top of the world, and want to talk to anyone who will listen about what life changing things I have planned.  And other times, like right now as I am writing this, I feel unfocused, distracted, a bit anxious (What if you all hate this), and I can’t seem to pull an idea together. Read More

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August Clinic News

It’s that time of year again…..Road Construction!

It seems like everything is torn up including our Selby Ave. Please follow the signs as things may change up a bit and allow a few extra minutes to get to your appointment. Better yet, allow time to get here early to relax and de-stress with a cup of tea!

The work being done near our parking lot entrance is creating the infrastructure for the new Metro Transit B Line limited stop bus route and from what we understand that work in our area should be wrapping up in the next couple weeks. Click the link for more information.

Curious about 5 Element Theory?

We hope you are enjoining Julie’s multi-part series explaining the principles of the TCM 5 Element theory! We are often asked about this since it is one of the guiding principles of Chinese Medicine. Every month Julie will continue to write a high-level explanation of each of the elements and if there is enough interest she may conduct some classes in the future to do a deeper dive into this fascinating subject. This month she is discussing the Fire Element. Read More

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A hot summer day, a lot of mosquitos, and the point that saved me!

Large Intestine 11, QuChi
Pool at the Crook

By Julie

A Powerful Acupuncture Point for Clearing Heat and Soothing Pain

I recently went to the Boundary Waters on a weekend trip with my husband. We are great campers, but it had been a long time since I had done that kind of camping.  He goes to the Boundary Waters at least once a year, usually in the fall.  This time, while the trip was amazing, I understood why he doesn’t go in June.  Hello mosquitos.

It wasn’t that bad really, or at least, not all the time.  But there were times when the breeze would slow down, or we would be portaging through the woods and I experienced what is affectionately called ‘bug stress’.  The result being, a lot of mosquito bites. Read More

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