Wellness Blog

What are the 5 Elements, and Why Should I Care? An Introduction to one of our favorite theories

What are the 5 elements, and why should I care?

  • I like to think, why can’t I stop thinking! Do you need anything? Here, let me give it to you.  We don’t need to go anywhere, let’s just sit here and read…Introducing Earth


  • What is the best way to do this? How can I make sure I do it right? Why aren’t they doing it right? Tell me the rules or let me make the rules…Hello Metal


  • Who cares anyway? Nothing matters and life is a mystery. Let’s just sit back and see what happens. Welcome Water


  • Give me a goal and get out of my stinking way. Done is better than perfect. If you stop me I am going to get pissed off….Watch out for Wood.


  • I found a new favorite hobby, career, or art project that I am in love with!   What is this?  Did you see that?  I have an idea that I feel deeply about.  What is that shiny thing over there? I am passionate.  I am Fire.


This is not the way I was taught these elements.  In Chinese medicine school we learned about 5 element theory Read More

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July Clinic News: Expanded availability and wait…is that another Lauren?

Join us in welcoming Lauren Patridge!

“Traditional Chinese Medicine provides a framework for seeing the world: your symptoms that seem totally unrelated are actually an interlinked constellation that provide meaning and a way forward. Using the body’s messages as a guide, we can find the way towards health.”

We are excited to announce Dr. Lauren Patridge will be joining our Selby Acupuncture team beginning July 8th.

Dr. Lauren Patridge is licensed in Acupuncture by the State of Minnesota Medical Board, and board certified in Acupuncture by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). Lauren earned both her Master’s in Acupuncture and Doctorate of Chinese Medicine from Northwestern Health Sciences University.

Some of the conditions she has a special interest in treating include: autoimmune conditions, painful periods, sleep and complex pain disorders. She loves working with people who are at a point of transition in their lives, whether they are sick of burnout and looking for relief, trying to start a family, or improving their physical health for their next great adventure. She believes that just because your symptoms may be common, it doesn’t mean they have to become your normal.

Lauren Patridge will be in clinic weekly
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Easy Watermelon Sorbet

Watermelon The Superfruit!

Not only does watermelon help keep you hydrated it is rich in vitamins A, B6 and C, contains an amino acid called citrulline that may help move blood through your body and lower your blood pressure. The cheery red color comes from lycopene, an antioxidant. Watermelon has more of this nutrient than any other fruit or veggie — even tomatoes. And it’s also a low calorie sweet treat!

As we move into watermelon season there are an abundant amount of recipes available. Here is an easy one that’s sure to be a crowd pleaser. While most sorbet recipes have you make a simple syrup to mix with the fruit that can take extra time to cool down before adding and the puree can chunk up when freezing. I found this recipe that take the common sense approach of freezing the watermelon in cubes before using, GENIUS! Read More

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Acupressure Points for Better Sleep

Have we talked about this recently?

About this time of year, I have a lot of conversations in clinic related to poor sleep.  The longer days and warmer weather are common culprits from keeping you from getting a good nights rest.  I assume, if I have talked with 40 people about this, there must be many more that are dealing with the same issue, so let’s talk sleep and what you can do about it!

It is common to notice more sleep problems as we enter into the summer months. While acupuncture and herbal medicine are great tools helping you get your zzz’s, acupressure, something you can do for yourself every night is a simple but powerful tool to add, and it is easy (because we know, you are tired).

Self-massage through acupressure on certain points allows you to gain the benefits of an acupuncture treatment without coming into the office. Here are three acupuncture points that can help you fall asleep faster and improve your quality of the sleep.

Pericardium 6 (Neiguan)

Pericardium 6 is located three finger widths above the transverse crease of the inner wrist. It lies directly between the two tendons felt there. This point is Read More

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