What are the 5 Elements, and Why Should I Care? An Introduction to one of our favorite theories
What are the 5 elements, and why should I care?
I like to think, why can’t I stop thinking! Do you need anything? Here, let me give it to you. We don’t need to go anywhere, let’s just sit here and read…Introducing Earth
What is the best way to do this? How can I make sure I do it right? Why aren’t they doing it right? Tell me the rules or let me make the rules…Hello Metal
Who cares anyway? Nothing matters and life is a mystery. Let’s just sit back and see what happens. Welcome Water
Give me a goal and get out of my stinking way. Done is better than perfect. If you stop me I am going to get pissed off….Watch out for Wood.
I found a new favorite hobby, career, or art project that I am in love with! What is this? Did you see that? I have an idea that I feel deeply about. What is that shiny thing over there? I am passionate. I am Fire.
This is not the way I was taught these elements. In Chinese medicine school we learned about 5 element theory Read More
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