Wellness Blog

Meridian of the Month: The Heart Channel

The Heart Meridian is one of 12 major meridians in the body. It begins in the chest and travels along the inside of the arm, ending at the tip of the pinky finger. This channel connects with other major meridians and organs, and uses 9 acupuncture points to treat a variety of physical, mental and spiritual conditions.

The Heart was described in the classics of Chinese Medicine as the sovereign within the body, responsible for intelligence, wisdom and spiritual transformation. It belongs to the element of fire, and is associated with aspects and emotions related to Spirit: warmth, laughter, joy, enthusiasm, love and happiness.

By using acupuncture points along the Heart Meridian, we can provide for the spiritual needs of an individual along with physical and mental needs. For example, if a patient presents with chronic palpitations but no emotional manifestations, we would focus on points to treat the physical condition. If a patient presents with palpitations along with extreme emotional upset or feelings of hopelessness and despair, we would add points to calm Spirit or strengthen Spirit.

What is a meridian?
A key point in Chinese Medicine is the principle of Yin and Yang, two opposing energies in Read More

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Honey Cinnamon Ginger Syrup

We’ve all got a stash of emergency vitamins for when a cold is just starting to hit (I’m looking at you, Zicam), but here’s one that you may not have heard of: honey cinnamon ginger syrup. Cinnamon and ginger have been used in Chinese medicine for ages to treat body aches, chills, runny nose, and sneezing. This syrup can be added to any tea for medicinal purposes, or to a cocktail for added flavor and warmth.

If using this syrup to help with cold symptoms, it is important to recognize a hot type cold from a true cold. A hot type cold will have a noticeable sore throat, where the true cold will feel less intense, and more like a scratchy throat. Hot type will have yellow or green-yellow nasal mucus, while true cold will have thin, clear, and watery nasal mucus. Hot type will have fever, and a True cold type could have slight fever, but very noticeable body aches. This syrup is best for the true cold. Read More

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Rou Gui: Cinnamon can do more than warm your heart

When most of us think of cinnamon, we may remember a warm, sweet, and fragrant tea warming our cold winter hands on a snowy morning bundled up on the couch. Or perhaps memories of different foods like cinnamon oatmeal or fall time themed cinnamon flavored lattes come to mind. Cinnamon in western culture is often associated with fall and winter. Although these seasonal cinnamon flavored traditions can feel truly heartwarming, the usage of cinnamon is by no simple accident. We are using plant medicine and knowledge passed through generations and cultures that are entirely appropriate for the colder seasons.

Rou gui is a traditional Chinese herb that is commonly used in Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine uses two parts of the cinnamon tree. The outer bark and the twigs. Rou gui is the bark of the cinnamon tree. The herb is commonly used to warm the body and promote circulation, and is often used to treat conditions such as cold extremities, poor digestion, and menstrual cramps. It is also believed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Rou gui has a long history of use in Chinese medicine, dating back to the Han Dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE). It is commonly used in Read More

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The Ren Channel

Meridian of the Month:  The Ren vessel

In Chinese medical theory, acupuncture points lie upon meridians. Meridians are pathways of energy along the body which connect the extremities to the torso. They are all connected, to every tissue of the body and to one another. They flow along the body like rivers. From a western standpoint, they have been found to often correlate with nerve pathways.

The Ren channel runs along the midline of the body and it is also referred to as the ‘Conception vessel’, because of its essential role it plays in reproduction.

The Pathway

Starting internally in the uterus or lower belly, the Ren travels to the perineum, where it emerges along the skin and up through the center line of the front body until ending in the dip between the mouth and the chin. Read More

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