Wellness Blog

Celebrate the New Year, and Dry January, with a fresh Cranberry Shrub

Have you heard about dry January?

It is a movement to encourage us to abstain from alcohol for the month of January, and they are finding long term health benefits from those who participate.  If you are going to jump in and try hitting the social scene sans alcohol here is a recipe you can use to make your own shrub to use for a non-alcoholic drink that is fancy and delicious.

Shrub is vinegar based, and is a tangy addition you can sip on straight, or mix with some bubbly water for a sparkling treat (the straight up shrub is a bit too strong for me, but my husband thinks it is delicious).  I always reserve a few cranberries for garnish, and add an orange slice to my glass to feel extra fancy!  I recommend using a high quality apple cider vinegar (we like Braggs). Read More

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January Clinic News

Happy New Year!

To a healthy and happy 2023!  We love a fresh start, and all the energy that a new year brings.  We hope this newsletter brings you lots of great information, whether you are looking for support of your Dry January, want to learn more about acupuncture, or are looking to prepare for the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Water Rabbit, we have you covered. Cheers to you and your family for a happy and healthy 2023.

Gratitude for 2022, Excitement for 2023

To all of you who trusted us with your care, we are thankful and grateful.  For everyone who came in and gave acupuncture a try, thank you. To those who referred someone you care about, thank you. To everyone who invited us be a part of your healing journey, your family building journey, and your wellness journey, thank you.  We are grateful to be of service to you, and excited to see what 2023 has in store for us all! Read More

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What’s to Come in the Year of the Water Rabbit?

Okay everyone, it’s safe to come out now….

With the approach of the year of the water rabbit, I can’t help but reflect about the past few Chinese zodiac years and honestly breathe a huge sigh of relief. 2020 was the year of the metal rat, and being the first animal in the zodiac sequence, it ushers in times of change. Obviously, a lot changed that year. 2021 brought the year of the metal ox, which was characterized by a year of hard work. We are now exiting the year of the water tiger, which has been all about fast changes and unexpected events. I know my year, and the year of those close to me has been littered with lots of that. At the end of three years of extraordinary change and movement, it’s hard sometimes not to feel like you’ve somehow stumbled into a boxing match without realizing it. Read More

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Sweet Potato and Quinoa Grain Bowl with Goji Berry

Looking for a great nourishing recipe to prep ahead for your lunches?
Need to bring a potluck side dish, but you want to keep it both delicious and healthy?

Lauren’s Sweet Potato and Quinoa Grain Bowl recipe is high in plant-based protein and fiber which helps keep energy levels stable throughout the day, great for lunches!  The fiber has an added bonus of maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and reducing the risk of colon cancer. Parsley and Cilantro are great for detoxing, and have beneficial vitamin K, which increases bone density as well as reducing risk of heart disease. Goji berries were chosen as an alternative to dried cranberries for their reduced sugar content as well as their immune boosting benefits. Goji berry, as a medicinal herb “Gou Qi Zi,” is used to prevent the progression of macular degeneration, and promotes clear vision.

The best part? This recipe is gluten-free! Read More

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