Wellness Blog

Tips to Help with Painful Periods

More than half of women who menstruate have some period pain for at least a couple days each month. This pain associated with menstruation is called dysmenorrhea. For some women, mild dysmenorrhea is a regular symptom of PMS, along with bloating, breast tenderness, mood swings, and fatigue. For others, menstrual pain is so severe it keeps them from doing normal activities for the duration of their period, and may be accompanied by symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and headaches.

Period pain in Chinese medicine is often associated with the diagnosis of Liver Qi Stagnation with Liver Blood stasis.  What does this mean?  The Liver is in charge of building up the Blood (including menstrual blood), and also ‘coursing the qi’, which means keeping all the qi in the body moving along smoothly.  When the period comes, if that Liver Qi can’t move smoothly the Blood becomes ‘stuck’ and this can cause pain, cramping and clotting before and during the period flow.

Painful periods don’t have to be normal.  There is a lot that you can do to help your pain right now, and prevent it from coming in the future. Read More

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Clinic News for February, Get to Know Julie!

Get to know Julie

Headshot of Julie McCormick, owner/practitioner of Selby Accupuncture

Why did you open Selby Acupuncture?   I never wanted to open a business, but I always knew that I wanted to practice Chinese medicine fully, with the ability to use everything I had learned; acupuncture, herbs, dietary therapy, cupping.  Back in 2007 there were no places to work, I couldn’t find a job anywhere.  So, the answer became clear, I had to try to do this myself.  I feel blessed that over the years patients have given us their trust, and referred family and friends.  Thanks to our community we were able to grow and become the clinic we are today. Read More

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Four Tips for Preserving Intimacy During Infertility Treatments 

Four Tips for Preserving Intimacy During Infertility Treatments  

Listen: you’re not reading this post because it’s a surprise that going through infertility kills your libido. You’re reading this because it’s come to the point where sex feels like a chore, and yet you want to light up that spark between yourself and your partner because it’s the love you both share that made you want to have a baby together in the first place. So, what do you do? How can you stay sexually connected to your partner when everything has become a sea of lab tests and ovulation kits rather than Barry White and satin sheets?

As we roll into Valentine’s Day, here’s four tips for keeping things spicy while you’re also navigating infertility. Not going through infertility? Lucky you. These four tips can still strengthen your emotional and sexual connection to your partner. Read More

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Top Two Acupressure Points for PMS

PMS can feel like the bad prequel to the even less enjoyable main show of menstruation.
But for those of us who menstruate, there are a few at home acupressure points to tide you
over; at least until your next acu appointment. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a collection of symptoms someone can experience anywhere from 2 to 14 days before their period. Symptoms can include any or all of the above, plus acne, irritability and hypersensitivity, and stool changes, and the intensity ranges from slight to severe.

A very common diagnosis in TCM for PMS is Liver Qi Stagnation. The Liver in TCM is responsible for moving the body’s qi, and when that energy of the body is stuck or stagnated, menstruators then experience typical PMS symptoms, plus cramping and clotty menstrual flow. Read More

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