Wellness Blog

October Clinic News: Get to know Bruce, Herbal soup season, and Fall schedules are filling up fast

This month we talk to Bruce Dressen of the Selby Acupuncture Team.  Bruce is the Director of Operations for the SA clinics.

  • SA: What do you like most about Selby Acupuncture?
    • BD: A few years ago, I made the conscious decision to re-center my life.
    • When the pandemic hit, I decided to take things a step further and explore a career change to something that would be more personally meaningful. That’s when I met Julie and was introduced to Selby Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. I love the mission and the purpose, and it allows me to apply my skills in a way that fits my inner goals.
  • SA: What do you like most about being an Operations Director?
    • BDI love the variety of things I’m responsible for and it allows me to apply all the skills I’ve gained throughout my career. It’s been truly fascinating to learn about Traditional Chinese Medicine and be surrounded by so many good people doing such meaningful work.
  • SA: When you’re not working what brings you joy?
    • BD: My true passions are cooking, bike riding, music, and spending time with my family. Boy, does that sound cliché! I wish I could
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The Benefits of a Positive Outlook

I was listening recently to a radio interview of Collette Maze, a French pianist who just turned 107 years old and has released her 6th album, recording it in her home in Paris. She came across as a delightful, charming woman, full of life and brimming with humor and positivity. She had obviously figured out the secret to long life and happiness at a young age. How did she do it? It seems she focused on something that brought her joy, remaining optimistic and hopeful throughout an often-difficult life, to achieve what she deemed successful, and she’s still happy playing the piano.

To get through a childhood with a “severe and unloving” mother, she turned to the piano and composers like Schumann and Debussy to provide her tenderness. When she couldn’t reach the status of a professional due to lack of family support, she turned to teaching, and continued to focus on the music she loved. She overcame the isolation of being a single mother, remained dedicated to growing as an artist, and her optimism and resilience prevailed. Read More

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Acupuncture to help with Anxiety and Depression


Wearied, tired, sad, and not able to sleep because your thoughts won’t leave you alone….

Times have been tough and many are noticing signs of depression; low energy, irritability, insomnia, changes in appetite and digestion, difficulty concentrating, and poor moods.  We are all familiar with the symptoms of depression or anxiety, but for some the feelings become persistent, severe and start to interfere with our daily lives.

Reports show that the rates of depression have tripled as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.  Traditional treatments often include a combination of behavioral therapy and medication. While some find relief with anti-depressant medications, for many (up to 34%) medications either do not work, or the side effects become intolerable.  Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are effective in treating mood disorders like depression and anxiety, either alone or in conjunction with traditional treatments. Studies shown that acupuncture done over a period of 6-8 weeks has been shown to significantly improve depressive symptoms, and that acupuncture was found to have similar effects when compared to antidepressant drugs.

Chinese medicine recognized the interconnectedness of our mind, body, and spirit.  Imbalances in the body that may have developed recently, or may be constitutional Read More

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