Wellness Blog

Kale Chips!

Kale chips can be a delicious alternative to potato chips and other snack food. Instead of being filled with starches and simple carbohydrates, kale is a complex carbohydrate full of fiber, vitamin C, A, K, B6 and calcium, potassium, copper and manganese. Kale has fewer calories than potato chips and will not imbalance blood sugar. Kale chips can give us that crunchy, salty thrill while still being a healthy treat for the body. 

For this recipe you will need: 

  • Two tablespoons of olive oil 
  • Two tablespoons of sesame oil 
  • One tablespoon nutritional yeast 
  • A pinch of salt 
  • One bunch of kale 
  • Flat cookie sheet

This recipe is enough to make one cookie sheet worth of kale chips. If you want to make two cookie sheets, simply double the recipe.  

This recipe is super simple, and I love it! Preheat your oven to 275 degrees. While the oven is warming, rinse the kale in your sink, then chop it to pieces around 2-3 inches long in length and one inch long in width. Put the kale in a large bowl and pour in the olive oil and salt. Massage the kale with your hands. This breaks down the cell walls and Read More

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Clinic News, “Yes, we can help with that!”

Meet the Team

This month we catch up with Paige Haber of the Selby Acupuncture Team.  Paige is a licensed Massage Therapist and joined the team in July. We are excited to have her on the team!


  • SA: What do you like most about Selby Acupuncture?
    • PH: .Honestly, I came to massage therapy due to a combination of being energetically open and learning to be in my body. While living on the East Coast, I had grown accustomed to the fast-paced lifestyle in which I lived primarily, if not entirely, in my head. When I moved to Minnesota, I was given the gift of space. While practicing yoga and with the support of mentors and colleagues, I began to discover the beauty of listening to the body. This new found perspective and the introduction of yin yoga set the stage for me to take the leap to study shiatsu and therapeutic bodywork.
  • SA: What do you like most about being a LMT?
    • PH: I love discovering and gaining understanding  of tension patterns, and brainstorming solutions to support the body to bring it back into balance.  With my background in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Traditional
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Low FODMAP Gluten-Free Lemon Tart (that actually tastes awesome)

A delicious treat that is low in sugar, won’t make you gassy or bloated, and may actually be somewhat healthy for you! Amazing!


  • 2 cups blanched almond flour
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 2 Tbs melted coconut oil
  • 1 large egg


  • 3 eggs
  • ¼ cup raw honey
  • ¼ cup coconut oil
  • Zest of 2-3 lemons (about a ½ cup)



  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line the bottom of a 9 inch tart pan with parchment paper. Grease the sides with oil
  2. In a small food processor, pulse the almond flour and salt until combined (I like to add a dash of cinnamon as well). Add the oil and egg and pulse a bit more until dough forms. It should be sticky
  3. Transfer the dough to the center of the tart pan. Using a sheet of plastic wrap or greased palms, press the dough out into an even crust, coming ¼ to ½ inch up the sides. Bake in the oven for about 10 minutes or until firm and beginning to brown. Remove and let cool.
  4. For the curd, in a medium saucepan, whisk the eggs and honey until smooth. Set the pan over medium-low heat. Add coconut
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What is the Process of Decocting Chinese Herbs Actually Like?

If you are up for it, your acupuncturist may send you home with a “raw” herbal formula. Chinese herbal formulas come in several other forms also including powdered or as pills, but what you are looking at below is the actual plant parts themselves. This could be as the berry, flower, seed, root, and more. This is known as raw herbs.

Essentially raw herbs are just the dried and prepared specific plant part which contains all the important stuff. In Chinese medicine, we use multiple herbs in a single formula to holistically approach your concerns and treat you as a whole. It is tailored just for you. These herbs all set to go into a pot and boil away leaving you with a wonderful decocted Chinese herbal formula to drink as a tea. Read More

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