Wellness Blog

Set the Table for Health This Fall

This time of year is rich in transitions: the kids go back to school, temperatures fluctuate between hot and chilly, easy summer livin’ gives way to more structured schedules. Change can be hard and stressful, and leave our immune systems vulnerable. Taking a moment to review the basics of health will help you stay strong and resilient.

I love the image of health as a table. The four legs of the table are the four pillars of health, and if any of them are too short, too long, or missing, the table—your health—gets wobbly. No single pillar takes priority over another; all the legs of the table are equally important. It’s all about balance. 🌊🏄 Read More

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Clinic News

Meet the Team

Join us in welcoming Haily Krenz to the Selby Acupuncture Team.  You will see Hailey at the front desk working as your Patient Care Coordinator, and she will begin studying Chinese medicine this fall.  We are excited to have her on the team!

  • SA: What do you like most about Selby Acupuncture?
    • HK: I like how comforting and relaxing the environment is to be in.
  • SA: What do you like most about being a PCC?
    • HK: I like being the first one to greet our patients when they walk through the door.
  • SA: When you’re not working what brings you joy?
    • HK: When I’m not working, my favorite things to do are roller skate, paint, and just spend time with my family.
  • SA: If you could do anything you wanted tomorrow without limitations, what would that be?
    • HK: If I could do anything without limitations I would travel to Greece!


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Yin, Yang, and You

How can we live most appropriately to optimize our bodies and daily living? A simple way of answering that is to incorporate Yin and Yang Theory into our daily structure. First we should define what Yin and Yang represent.

Yin and Yang are concepts and they are functions. They are the duality we constantly find ourselves in. Theory teaches us that we can find all things divisible into Yin and Yang. Yin, in this duality, is the polar opposite of yang, yet it is inseparable from it. They are in a dynamic relationship with one another. Yin and Yang can be transmuted into one another. Yin of course, are things like; female, dark, rest, nourishment, and quiet. Yang corresponds with things like; male, light, action, energy, movement, and loud. Neither can exist without the other. 

As a human-being, we are more often consuming our Yin and Yang energy than building it. That is why, eventually, we all die! But don’t despair, while we are here, Ying Yang Theory teaches us that the more we live in balance with these forces the better and possibly the longer our lives will be. 

While this principle of duality is as simple as it Read More

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A Spoon Full of Sugar!

A Spoonful of Sugar

It’s midsummer and time to do a gut check. How are all the picnics, patio dates, barbeques, and road trips going? Are they sitting well tummy-wise, or is bloating a regular part of life? If your stomach has been complaining lately, you’re not alone. Indigestion isn’t just for Thanksgiving anymore.

One common symptom of indigestion is hiccups. The involuntary contraction of the diaphragm that produces the “hic” sound is most commonly caused by

  • eating too quickly or too much—especially raw, cold food
  • drinking carbonated beverages or too much alcohol
  • feeling nervous, excited, or stressed

…in other words, all the regular features of a summer shindig. A rushed lunchtime salad or those fresh, straight-from-the-fridge carrots during a busy day can do it too.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) hiccups are an example of rebellious Stomach Qi. The Stomach’s descending function is interrupted by foods or emotions that burden the digestive system, and in place of a quiet, peaceful parasympathetic rest-and-digest response we experience an upward movement that brings on the annoying, exhausting hiccups.

Happily, there is a way to have your carrot(cake) and eat it too. Ever heard of taking a spoonful of sugar for a hiccup Read More

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