Wellness Blog

What in the World is Moxibustion?

The Chinese character for acupuncture actually translates to “acupuncture-moxibustion”. You would not be alone in wondering what exactly is moxibustion? Perhaps you have come into the clinic on a certain day and smelt a very peculiar scent of ‘something funky’ being burned- that’s moxa’s unique scent! So, what is moxibustion and why is your acupuncturist burning it? Read More

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Staying Safe in Clinic, Introducing Online Classes and Welcoming a New Provider

It feels so good to be back in clinic and once again see everyone we have missed during our closure. While things look a little different around here, our love and dedication to this medicine has never been stronger. During these uncertain times where events can rapidly change by the day, we are honored to be a trusted source of support and healing for our community. Read More

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Healing Bone Broth

When I am feeling that I need a good recharge and reset, I turn to this wonderful ‘vibrant life in a mug’ recipe. After drinking it, my energy almost instantly responds. I found this recipe from Stephanie Myers ‘Fresh Tart’ blog a few years ago and often use it instead of a morning cup of coffee when my body needs a bit more support. You can make yourself just the pure broth and drink it in a mug (delicious), or use the broth as a soup base adding in some proteins and veggies. Read More

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