Wellness Blog

The Earth Element

Earth Element:  Stable, Steady and always ready to offer you some tea.

Welcome to my blog, come on in, help yourself to some tea or grab something from the kitchen if you’re hungry. Can I show you this great book that I just read?   And no, we don’t need to go anywhere, let’s just stay home.

Earth loves thinking, nourishing, helping and serving.  It craves sweet flavors, likes rest, and tends to enjoy stillness. 

If you find yourself in the health profession, or serving profession, or are drawn towards thinking and helping others, there is a good chance you have a little bit of the Earth element in your constitution. Read More

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Pesto from your late summer harvest

Take advantage of the current abundance of greens, whether in your garden or at the farmers market this is the time to enjoy the fresh late summer crops!


Pesto ingredients:
  • Fresh Basil: Fresh basil brings a major herby flavor to the pesto.
  • Parmesan Cheese: Try to use fresh parmesan – avoid the powdered stuff!
    • True parmesan (Parmigiano-Reggiano) is not vegetarian as it contains animal rennet but there are vegetarian options available.
  • Pine Nuts: Toast pine nuts in a skillet for a few minutes to add a roasted flavor to your pesto.
  • Garlic: Be sure to use fresh, blemish-free garlic.
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil: The flavor of the oil is important in pesto, so use the good stuff.
  • Salt & Pepper: Finish it off with salt and pepper, to taste!
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What Do You Feel in the Pulse?

Ever wondered why we feel your pulse using three fingers?

Your pulse is really a way for us to connect to your heart, quite literally.  Your life force, through your Blood, is being pumped through your body.  By taking a moment to connect and listen, we try to understand what is going on within your body.

So, pulse 101.

Pulse diagnosis is a vital diagnostic tool in Chinese medicine. By feeling the pulse at three specific locations on each wrist we gain a wealth of information about the your overall health.

To feel the pulse, we use the index, middle, and ring fingers on the radial pulse, beginning with the index finger on at the wrist crease. Each position represents a different system in your body. And, it isn’t just about the rate, but many different qualities can be noticed and provide valuable information.  Read More

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Kasha and Kale Grain Bowl

This recipe is packed with complex carbohydrates, great for the later phases of the menstrual cycle when hormones (and energy levels) are dropping. The high fiber and protein content will also help keep energy levels stable. Kale as a leafy green is a nutrient dense food, which is so needed during the period. Making your own high-in-healthy-fats dressing is great to eat during the period to help boost hormone production for the next cycle. Additionally, eating kasha (cooked buckwheat) during the period is beneficial for its warming properties, as the period is the coldest part of the cycle.

If you suffer from PMS or PMDD, give this recipe a try. Ripping up the kale is a therapy all on its own! Read More

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