
Kitchen Medicine: Treat acne with simple ingredients from your kitchen

Noticing any ‘maskne’ or acne associated with wearing a face mask?
Does stress always show up on your skin?
How about pimples before your period?

Are you not a teenager, but are starting to feel like one because you are breaking out all the time? Acne, while common, can negatively affect our self-esteem in significant ways.  There are simple, but effective things you can do at home to help.

An easy at-home topical treatment for acne or sores of the skin is to make an herbal compress with a few ingredients that you’re likely to have around the house.  The compress is appropriate for any areas of concern, your face, chest or back,  that are red and ‘hot’ looking: acne, sores, and even hemorrhoids. One can also drink a tea made of several of the ingredients to help skin clear and heal from the inside out.

  • Magnesium and dandelion help detoxify the skin and clear redness.
  • Magnesium and chamomile help reduce inflammation and have been shown to reach the deeper levels of the skin.
  • Chamomile has been shown to encourage wound healing.
  • Raw honey has been used for a millennium in skin care and is hydrating, anti fungal, and antibacterial.
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Stir Fried Lotus Root

Lotus root is a popular vegetarian ingredient used in Chinese cuisine.  Considered a food, it is also used as an herb medicinally in Traditional Chinese medicine.  It contains powerful antioxidants, and may reduce inflammation.  Although named a “root”, it is actually a rhizome. It is a continuously growing horizontal underwater stem of the lotus plant that grows in connected, cylinder-shaped segments (like giant linked sausages). When cut crosswise, you will see a “rotary dial phone” pattern which makes this ingredient extra interesting. Read More

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Lucky Green Soup!

Feeling festive for St Patrick’s day? Are you also feeling a bit unlucky and worried that you don’t have anything green to wear on the big day? Well we have just the thing for you!


Did you know eating green things is not only healthy, but also acceptable instead of actually wearing green on St. Patty’s day? While this might just be a ploy to get our patients to eat more cooked vegetables, we don’t see any harm in beckoning in a bit of extra luck too.

This lucky green soup is super creamy and the cooked greens are easy to digest leaving you nourished and full of charm. Read More

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Homemade Chocolate!

Homemade chocolate is super easy to make and tastier then a lot of the chocolate bars you’ll find in the stores. The way this refrigerated chocolate melts in your mouth is divine.

February is the perfect month to try this simple recipe!

  • 2/3 cup cocoa powder
  • 2/3 cup coconut oil
  • 1/3 cup + 1 tablespoon honey, maple syrup or simple syrup (try subbing stevia to taste for a sugar free version)
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • pinch of salt

(Try adding sugar-free dried cherries, cinnamon, cayenne, matcha powder, or whatever favorite goodies you have laying around for a variation of this recipe)

  1. Heat coconut oil in a small saucepan over low heat.
  2. Once the coconut oil melts add the remaining ingredients.
  3. Stir and pour mix over a silicon mold
  4. Refrigerator for 2-4 hours, or until it is set.
  5. Store refrigerated in an airtight container.

Ashley Steffensen L.Ac

Photo by Kaffee Meister on Unsplash Read More

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