Being a teenager today can mean high expectations, demanding classes, a heavy load of extracurricular commitments, and 24/7 smartphone exposure.
As a mother to two teens and a provider of shiatsu, I know how much their fast-paced lives can take a toll on their well-being. I care deeply about treating this bunch, and I have seen first hand how this work can help reset their overstimulated nervous systems and heal their physical discomforts. Shiatsu provides relief for sore, tight muscles and helps treat larger underlying issues, connecting the dots between body and emotions and treating both. It is a quiet, restful, and peaceful treatment that can greatly benefit today’s teen.
I offer three different types of massage therapy, which I often integrate into one complete treatment: shiatsu, craniosacral therapy, and reflexology:
Shiatsu reduces stress, muscle tension, and pain. It regulates the mood by shifting the nervous system from fight or flight to a calmer state.
Craniosacral therapy can treat mood, headaches, sinus issues, and concussion symptoms. It regulates the nervous system and is the ultimate calming tool.
Reflexology addresses issues throughout the entire body through pressure points on the feet.
All three modalities are done with clothing on, and the session can be be just one of these therapies or a blend — whatever best suits the client. This can be decided at a consult prior or at the beginning of an appointment.
Here’s what a couple of teens I have worked with have to say about their treatment:
Shiatsu massage helps me feel relaxed during stressful high school times but also helps my muscles recover from playing football, basketball and baseball competitively all year long.
I am an extrovert and people person who loves to be on the go. When I get a massage it is an opportunity for me to quiet my mind and body all at once. I am thankful to have started getting massages early on because I learned what the benefits are so now I can continue knowing that it can help me at any time for the rest of my life.
And here’s what one mom noticed:
My daughter has had shiatsu with Lori several times to help her with muscular pain, stress release, and anxiety. Each time, I could tell by my daughter’s body language that taking the time and resources for a little care to her body did a world of good. The way she holds her body after shiatsu — straight and yet relaxed, calm — is the same way she holds her body after therapy sessions or meetings with her favorite teacher. There is a peace in her mind that happens after shiatsu.
I love working with teens! Think yours might be interested? Set up a free consult to meet and talk, or just give us a call or book online. (And hey, parents, I know that raising teens can be so fun, but so challenging. Consider coming in for shiatsu yourself!) To book an appointment call us at 651-224-6678 or book online at Unified Practice.
[written by Lori]