Summer is a time of growth, and we have definitely felt that at Selby Acupuncture! We have launched a new website and Sara Gillet, one of our acupuncturists, gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Judah Robert. Keeping yourself in balance during times of change and growth can be challenging, and we can attest to that ourselves.
There is a very ancient Chinese medicine text written by Sun Si Miao, a first century TCM physician. In one of his writings he talks about the Yang Sheng translated as Nourishing Life. It talks of living in balance both within yourself and your environment. The ideas that come from this are intuitive and common sense, but a good reminder for all of us as we try to maintain our busy lives. Here are a few that I find very helpful;
- Live in balance with the yin and yang: Of course we talk of yin and yang, and the depth of conversation around it can vary greatly. In general, since summer is related to yang, and yang to change and growth, be bold, move your body and be open to change. Wake up early, take up or increase your exercise routine, and spend time outdoors.
- Follow a regular diet: Make sure to get a good breakfast in, don’t skip any meals, and increase the amount of fresh in season vegetables.
- Keep calm and cheerful
- Use your brain – take on new challenges
- Be dedicated to an activity
- Keep a clean and beautiful environment
- Feel value in life
- Take care of others
Have a joyous summer season, and as always, if you need help maintaining your balance we are here to help!